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Outdoor Education


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Outdoor Education and Leadership

Associate of Arts Degree

The Outdoor Education & 领导力学位课程是为对户外教育事业感兴趣的学生开设的, environmental education, adventure programming, or conservation. 这个独特的项目将野外探险和户外技能课程与自然历史和文科课程相结合. 该项目强调领导力发展和以经验为基础的教育. CWC的高山科学研究所提供了一系列非机动旅行(徒步旅行)课程, skiing, 山地自行车和激流漂流),参观和了解怀俄明州落基山脉及其周围的偏远荒野地区.

The Outdoor Education & 领导力课程是为准备大学水平课程的学生开设的四个学期的课程. 参加大学预科数学或英语课程的学生可能需要一个预备学期才能开始四个学期的课程. 大多数专业的学生选择住在怀俄明州兰德附近的阿尔卑斯科学研究所(ASI). 在风河山脉的山脚下, ASI为反思的孤独提供了无与伦比的机会, outdoor adventure, and study of the natural world. 学生支付装备费,就可以使用山地自行车, snow bikes, cross country and downhill skis, snowboards, rafts, canoes, paddleboards, climbing and camping gear.

学生可以选择花一个完整的学期与nools一起学习荒野课程. Nols在美国和国外偏远、原始的地方提供教育探险. To receive college credit for Nols courses, 学生必须同时在CWC注册相应的课程. 例如,CWC的学生选修了nos学期的课程,应该注册在G&R-2050, G&R-2031, and EDUC-2050. For more information on Nols, visit or call 1-800-710-6657.


  • 辛克峡谷户外教育中心和学生宿舍
  • 注重体验式教育,并与nools建立伙伴关系
  • Outstanding faculty
  • 位于怀俄明州落基山脉山麓的世界级地理位置 Alpine Science Institute.

As part of the program, 你可以选择花整整一个学期的时间在野外学习野外课程. NOLS在美国偏远的原始地区提供这些教育探险.S. and abroad. 修习nools课程可获大学学分, 同时在CWC注册相应的课程. 有关NOLS产品的更多信息,请访问 NOLS website. 

Course Number Course Credits
BIOL 1080Intro to Environmental Science4
EDUC 1055Introduction to Outdoor Education3
ORTM 2470Outdoor Education Practicum4
ORTM 1000Foundations of Recreation & Tourism3
ORTM 2410Outdoor Leadership3
HLED 2010Wilderness First Responder4
HLED 2015Wilderness EMT9
Course Number Course Credits
ANTH 1300Intro to Archaeology3
ANTH 2022Petroglyphs & Primitive Art3
ART 2145Digital Photography I3
ASTR 1050Survey of Astronomy4
ASTR 1070The Earth: Its Physical Environment4
ATSC 2000Introduction to Meteorology4
ATSC 2110Introduction to Climatology4
BIOL 1010General Biology I4
BIOL 1020Life Science4
BIOL 2002Global Ecology3
COMM 1005Intercultural Communication3
COMM 2130Human Relations3
COMM 4050Communication and Conflict3
CNSL 1310Personal Growth Group1
CNSL 2300Counseling for Helping Professional3
CNSL 2310Introduction to Group Counseling3
CNSL 2320Addictions Assessment3
CNSL 2330Counseling Diverse Populations3
CNSL 2340Theories of Counseling3
EDFD 2020Foundations of Education3
EDFD 2450Human Life Span Development3
EDUC 2015Outdoor Educator:1-5
EDUC 2045Outdoor Leadership Instructor1-5
EDUC 2050Outdoor Education & Leadership1-5
ENR 1005Trailbuilding I1-3
ENR 2005Trailbuilding 24
ENR 2150NAI Certified Interpretive Guide3
ENR 2425Mountain Environments4
G&R 2032Winter Expedition:1-5
G&R 2033Rock Climbing:1-5
G&R 2034Water Expedition:1-5
G&R 2035River Rescue Certification1
G&R 2050Environmental Ethics & Management:1-5
GIST 2110Techniques in Cartography4
GIST 2135Applied GPS for GIS3
GIST 2310Intro to Geographic Information Systems4
GEOL 1070The Earth: Its Physical Environment4
GEOL 1100Physical Geology4
GEOL 1200Historical Geology4
GEOL 1470Environmental Geology4
HIST 1270Indians of the Wind River3
HLED 2015Wilderness EMT9
NAIS 1005Intercultural Communication3
NAIS 1350American Indians in Contemporary Society3
NAIS 2000Indians of the Wind River3
NAIS 2290History of North American Indians3
OEAC 1400Avalanche Level 11
OEAC 2020Mountaineering:1-5
OEAC 2030Wilderness Backpacking:1-5
OEAC 2031Combined Expeditions:1-5
OEAC 2400Avalanche Level 22
ORTM 1100Bicycle Mechanic3
ORTM 2100Mountain Bike Skills Instructor 12
PSYC 1250Human Potential Seminar1
PSYC 2210Drugs and Behavior3
ZOO 1200Human Biology3
ZOO 2015Human Anatomy4
Writing Level I (WR1) 3 credits
Writing Level II (WR2) 3 credits
American & Wyoming Government (POLS 1000) 3 credits
ARTS 3 credits
HUM 3 credits
LSCI (in program)
MATH 3 credits
ORAL 3 credits
SOC 3 credits
UNST 1 credits

Total Credit Hours: 60

More Information

CWC户外教育拥有真正世界级的地理位置, 毗邻全国第一个国家森林. 驱车2小时可到达乐天堂app霍尔、大提顿和黄石国家公园. Just out the back door, 水槽峡谷州立公园是一个令人惊叹的户外游乐场,是通往风河山脉的门户. Sinks is home to Limestone, Sandstone, and Granite rock climbing, a cave system, mountain bike and ski trails, 还有国内最好的飞蝇垂钓.

下沉峡谷方便地与亚高山和高沙漠生态系统接壤,那里有麋鹿, pronghorns, cougars, and coyotes can be spotted. 在CWC,我们的学生培养领导能力和户外探险技能,野外探险是他们大学经历的重要组成部分.




Outdoor Program Leadership

在你的户外领导之旅中迈出下一步. 这个8个学期的课程为学生提供了一个包括学习在内的户外娱乐服务行业的管理视角, training, 以及领导能力和项目管理技能的评估. 该计划特别适合希望开始自己的户外相关小企业的学生, 管理一个户外娱乐或教育项目, or build a career in leadership of parks, recreation, tourism, or natural resource management.

Get to know your instructors


Darran Wells热衷于各种户外活动——徒步旅行, climbing, caving, and skiing, 但他把大部分空闲时间都花在了山地自行车运动上.


Stacy Tostrup Wells从事户外专业教学已有20多年.


As an undergraduate professor, guide, program director, corporate trainer and business owner, 杰克从事户外教学已有20多年了.